My Plan for PUSD

The Board of Education is to set policy for the district that produces the results the voters want. When the Superintendent, district staff and school administrators and faculty implement that policy the entire system can be evaluated and fine tuned to best meet the needs of all.

Board meetings should be where the rubber hits the road! I want that meeting to be a place where the public can feel welcome, be heard and see action being taken. In that meeting I have seen budgetary information presented, awards presented, votes taken, and protests raised but I have never seen a debate or discussion about things parents care about. There are big, important and sometimes controversial issues that should be addressed and discussed by the board. If that doesn’t happen in the board meeting, it probably does not happen. Some of these issues should be presented and debated in the board meeting so the public can see, hear and understand the debate and the issues.

Public input should be facilitated and not treated with hostility. Recently the time limit on public comment was reduced! People have things to say and must be allowed to say them. If that means meetings get longer, that is what our tax dollars should be buying. There are far less important things that could be cut from the meeting agenda than the direction and feedback the board gets from the district.

Along with changes in board meetings I would advocate for and conduct opportunities outside the meeting to meet and communicate with the community. Working with parent groups and PTOs there could be much more direct communication with board members to address concerns about how the district and schools operate.

My plan is for more and better communication and responsiveness to the great PUSD community.