My Mission

To prepare the Poway Unified School District for success in the future. Preserve its esteemed reputation by emphasizing:

  1. Parental Involvement, Choice, and Consent: Ensuring that the schools, which are public and owned by the community, act in the best interest of the students and their families. I believe in promoting the rights of parents to make choices for their students, from curriculum decisions to health-related choices. I also see a need for the district leadership to actively engage the community and respond to their concerns.

  2. Boosting Teacher Morale: Recognizing and valuing the many excellent and experienced teachers in PUSD. I believe that teachers should have the flexibility and autonomy to teach in ways they know are best, responding to individual student needs, and working collaboratively with parents.

  3. Fiscal Responsibility: Addressing the looming capital appreciation bond crisis and ensuring that the district spends wisely and within its budget. I am committed to balanced budgets, responsible spending, and oppose unnecessary loans and bonds. I believe in proper budgeting and true leadership as solutions to fiscal challenges.

  4. Quality Education: I am emphasizing the importance of liberating teachers, monitoring curriculum, and implementing productive discipline to maintain and improve the quality of education. I acknowledge the setbacks students have faced due to the COVID pandemic and I believe in the potential of the district's staff and students to overcome these challenges with the right support and direction from the district and board of education.